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Price per metre of fence banner mesh in Australia

01 December 2021
Brendan Clayton

Price per metre of fence banner mesh in Australia

Here is our guide on the lineal metre rate of Banner Mesh

Clients often asked us what is the per metre rate on our Premium Bannamesh fence wrap product so we thought we'd provide this article to answer this question in the best way possible.

Below we outline the different variables that change the price per metre of fence banner mesh and a price range of what you would be looking at per metre when purchasing banner mesh in Australia for your events or construction sites.

A good guide to work off is somewhere between $15 and $20 per lineal metre + GST, 

Some of the variables include:

Ink Coverage

The ammount of ink coverage can alter the cost of fence banner mesh, as our mesh material comes standard in white, the more white you have on your design realistically can alter the price per lineal metre of our Bannamesh product.

Full Rolls or Fence Sized Panels

Another thing that varies the pricing is whether you are purchasing full 50 metre rolls or whether you are after smaller banners to fit temporary fencing panels, this is because when we make smaller banners we have to hem the bannamesh on all 4 sides which for example if we broke down a standard 50 metre roll of fence banner mesh to 2.4m panels we'd have to do up to 66 metres of extra welded hemmed edges and stainless steel eyelets which obviously alters the per lineal metre rate.

Type of mesh purchased

Here at Industroquip we produce two main types of Bannamesh, one is Premium Bannamesh which is by far our most common for use on construction sites around Australia due to its high quality and great appearance when printed. Premium Banner Mesh comes with our unique RS10 Ripstop and flame retardant properties. The other material we use is BreezeBanna which is a slightly cheaper material which has better air flow which is mostly used in Melbourne and surrounding areas that are known to get higher winds at times, this product is also commonly used on scaffolding to allow more wind pass through it.

We trust this article helps in better explaning what can differ the lineal metre rates of printed scrim and fence wrap materials in Australia and gives you a rough guide on the per metre price points of banner mesh.





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